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Ytterst Mot Norden, 12” Vinyl Record, edition of 3


I’m Human Now, You’re Human Later, (Duncan McAfee) published by i-cabin(texts)
Me-mo-ran-da, Memorial CD (Duncan McAfee), published by ArtOffice


Valhalla, Suite of 16 prints, edition of 3


Thirteen Stories, Book of short stories by 12 Authors


Art Jokes (Deutsche Edition),Publication for the Berlin Book Fair, Berlin
Songs for the Workers, Exhibition Pack, Material to accompany The Miller and McAfee Press Solo Exhibition
Songs for the Workers, bib CD - click here for the bib website
bibLIOGRAPHY, Publication of booklet written by Paul Millen
Samba Rumble, Compilation CD of tracks inspired by the Nokia Samba Rumble ringtone
Michael Upton, Exhibition Pack, Material to accompany exhibition of late artist's paintings
Public Address System, Exhibition Pack, Material to accompany Group Typography exhibition


6 for 5, bib CD - click here for the bib website
Gereon Krebber, Exhibition Pack, Material to accompany artist's solo exhibition
Massaccio and Masolino, essay published in ARTFAN magazine, A CONSTRUCTED WORLD production.


SAMBA, Compilation CD of tracks inspired by the Nokia Samba ringtone
101 Art Jokes (edition française), publication to coincide with Club, Poitiers, France


101 Art Jokes, in the British Library Collection and for sale in London Gallery bookshops and BALTIC bookshop.